
Download Photoshop CS5 Portable Full Version

Download Photoshop CS5 Portable Full Version - sobat che991 pastinya sudah kenal kan dengan software keluaran adobe corporation yang satu ini, software yang popular sekali digunakan untuk berbagai macam kegiatan desaign, seperti edit-mengedit gambar, edit template, dan desain template, yaitu Adobe Photoshop. Sebenarnya sobat che991 adobe corporation sudah mengeluarkan versi adobe yang terbaru yakni CS6, tapi pada kesempatan kali ini che991 akan share yang CS5, karena selain ukuranya downloadnya yang bersahabat, alias tidak terlalu besar, fitur-fitur dari adobe photoshop cs5 ini juga tidak kalah lengkap kok dengan yang cs6. Dan juga sobat che991, dari sisi lain cs6 portable sekarang, susah sekali mencari licensi-nya agar menjadi full version, karena itulah disini che991 akan mencoba share adobe photoshop yang cs5, di simak di bawah ini ya sobat che991 link download dan screen shootnya.

System Requirements:


  • Intel® Pentium® 4 or AMD Athlon® 64 processor
  • Microsoft® Windows® XP with Service Pack 3; Windows Vista® Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise with Service Pack 1 (Service Pack 2 recommended); or Windows 7
  • 1GB of RAM
  • 1GB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on removable flash-based storage devices)
  • 1024×768 display (1280×800 recommended) with qualified hardware-accelerated OpenGL graphics card, 16-bit color, and 256MB of VRAM
  • Some GPU-accelerated features require graphics support for Shader Model 3.0 and OpenGL 2.0
  • DVD-ROM drive
  • QuickTime  7.6.2 software required for multimedia features
  • Broadband Internet connection required for online services

Mac OS

  • Multicore Intel processor
  • Mac OS X v10.5.7 or v10.6
  • 1GB of RAM
  • 2GB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on a volume that uses a case-sensitive file system or on removable flash-based storage devices)
  • 1024×768 display (1280×800 recommended) with qualified hardware-accelerated OpenGL graphics card, 16-bit color, and 256MB of VRAM
  • Some GPU-accelerated features require graphics support for Shader Model 3.0 and OpenGL 2.0
  • DVD-ROM drive
  • QuickTime  7.6.2 software required for multimedia features
  • Broadband Internet connection required for online services

Screen Shoot:

Link Download (Single Link)

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